Assorted posts & links
This is an old page listing a bunch of Twitter posts on Stata. These posts are dedicated to empirical researchers who want to improve their programming skills.
- Essential tips & tricks for admin data analysis
- Estimates - how to access them, how to save them, and how to change them
- Frames - load multiple datasets into memory at once (PDF presentation here, also covers the PLOT commands)
- How to access variable names in big datasets without loading all the data into memory
- How to recover do-files and temporary datasets after Stata crashes
- Simple version control for output and log-files
- Expandrank - expand and rank variables without sorting
- Graphs - my custom dataviz programs, very fast and very efficient, especially with big datasets (youtube presentation here)
- Graphs - personalizing Stata graphs using the Recorder function
- Graphs - interfacing R with Stata to produce cool graphs
- Graphs - making custom global schemes (by Asjad Naqvi)
- Very good guide on workflow for Stata projects (by Asjad Naqvi)
- Stata coding guide (by Julian Reif)
- Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide (by Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro)