Assorted posts & links

This is an old page listing a bunch of Twitter posts on Stata. These posts are dedicated to empirical researchers who want to improve their programming skills.

  1. Essential tips & tricks for admin data analysis
  2. Estimates - how to access them, how to save them, and how to change them
  3. Frames - load multiple datasets into memory at once (PDF presentation here, also covers the PLOT commands)
  4. How to access variable names in big datasets without loading all the data into memory
  5. How to recover do-files and temporary datasets after Stata crashes
  6. Simple version control for output and log-files
  7. Expandrank - expand and rank variables without sorting
  8. Graphs - my custom dataviz programs, very fast and very efficient, especially with big datasets (youtube presentation here)
  9. Graphs - personalizing Stata graphs using the Recorder function
  10. Graphs - interfacing R with Stata to produce cool graphs
  11. Graphs - making custom global schemes (by Asjad Naqvi)
  12. Very good guide on workflow for Stata projects (by Asjad Naqvi)
  13. Stata coding guide (by Julian Reif)
  14. Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide (by Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro)